Monday, September 20, 2010

It's bird! It's a plane! It's.... Wheatgrass? The New SuperFOOD

Many superheroes come out every now and then. Superheroes like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and Justice League and so on have been household names in our times. However, would you believe that we even have "super foods?"

Many of us would be very knowledgeable about a lot of superheroes but little did we know that from the array of the foods that we eat, there are foods tagged as "super foods" because of the health benefits that we derive from them. Certainly one of the superfoods that we are able to think about will be the wheatgrass, along with all of the benefits of wheatgrass. You can get therapeutic benefits in wheat grass. Among the array of therapeutic benefits, here are the top five benefits that we can gain from it.

Liquid Energy From the Sun - Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a type of liquid energy from the sun. One that gives life to plant is chlorophyll. In order to be healthy, the consumption of chlorophyll is needed for it is the basic elements of plants. In addition, such element is proven to have an anti-bacterial property that is known to aid the body in healing process. Further, it is also a great help to regular sugar in the body which leads to the prevention of diabetes.

Rebuilding Dead Cells

Wheat grass is efficient   in terms of cell regeneration and rejuvenation because it is rich in protein which is source of amino acid. That makes you feel and look younger. Wheat grass does not only give you benefit from reduction of a saggy pores and skin but also a lighter one that its anti-aging property gives you.

Rejuvenating Your Blood

In just 20 minutes, it can promote blood cell by taking it as food. The same impact when it's combined with water and utilized in bathing. Thus, it can prevent anemia or any blood-related ailments. Therefore, it may prevent anemia or any blood-related ailments.

The Simple Detox Program

Toxins can be acquired anywhere, from the air we breathe or even in the food we eat. Wheat grass can cleanse our body from toxins or even metals in our blood that causes diseases.

Improves Digestion

Wheat grass wouldn't be tagged if it would not have any further abilities in helping our health. The most common thing we experience is difficulty in digestion; fret no more for wheat grass is the best counter to that.

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